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Our Services

Compose 2 Compete is a highly specialized consultancy for industrial manufacturing and factory planning. We analyze, calculate and simulate your assembly and machine projects and support our customers with technology assessment.


Our ambition is to be a partner from the early stages of planning in order to ensure the best possible production and assembly environment for your production.



Analysis of relevant parameters for future planning


The very first step of each study work is to analyze any existing or planned production situation, parts to be manufactured, production rates, work force conditions and shop floor ressources.

Process Capacity Calculation & Simulation


Static and dynamic simulations give us a first view by summarizing processing times per station regarding manual and stationary workload.


We simulate your future facility including shift models, station bottlenecks, distribution of resources and error robustness. This allow to optimize your facility layout long before any hardware investment has to be made.

Define Key Characteristics, Process flow & Select Equipment


For large assemblies (e.g. aircraft parts) specialized procedures and knowledge is required. Our experts provide extensive knowledge about state-of-the-art technologies to be used for large scale assembly tasks.

Selection of suitable technology for the current scenario


From first paper sketches to complete factory layouts in 3D, we create and evaluate tailor-made concepts.

Solutions are tested for commercial feasibility, maturity (production hardened) and harmony with production plant wide technology.


This ensures to get the best deal for the customer.

Compose 2 Compete GmbH

Am Autobahnkreuz 14
26180 Rastede
Phone: +49 (0) 44 02 / 96 6 – 0

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